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California Forever sued small farmers who did not want to sell.

Tue Jul 16 2024

California Forever purchased properties from approximately 600 landowners, and made them multi-millionaires. In total, the landowners who sold to California Forever made almost a billion dollars.

In a small number of cases involving four landowner groups, California Forever alleged that groups of wealthy landowners worth tens or hundreds of million of dollars got together to form a price-fixing ring, and filed an antitrust complaint against them. The case is ongoing, but in an early ruling in the case, the federal judge wrote that “these statements do reveal there was some sort of agreement among defendants to fix the price of land in Solano County.”

Despite the defendants’ wrongdoing, California Forever has already settled with almost all of the defendants, and done so on generous and fair terms. In particular, California Forever has already settled the case with all farmers, and with all residents of Solano County. The remaining handful of defendants are neither farmers nor Solano residents. We remain open to settling the case with them as well.

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