Year in review, new website, and moving to – read here
First and foremost, before any construction can begin, as part of the Environmental Impact Report approval process, we must prove that we have sufficient water supply through the rigorous, state-mandated process of Water Supply Assessment and Water Supply Verification. This process is regulated by the State of California, and requires us to prove that we have rights to actual water we can deliver to households and employers in the new community, for decades going forward, including during drought periods, without interfering with water supplies that others rely on.
Second, our team of leading industry experts has determined that the 13,700-16,400 acre-feet per year of water currently used on our holdings is more than the 12,600 acre-feet per year required to supply water for the initial build out of the new city to 100,000 residents, including all associated industrial, commercial, and other uses. Put simply, we already have enough water for all employers and residents who may move in between now and mid 2040s.
For the balance of our water, our team is still working to confirm how much additional water is available based on our existing uses. We will then layer that with water purchases from outside of Solano County.
To read more about our water plan, please read this post, which also details our plan for conjunctive water use, highest water efficiency, and use of recycled water for landscaping and industrial, non-potable uses.