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KQED Interview with our CEO

Wed Sep 27 2023

In this wide ranging interview, our CEO Jan Sramek talks about protecting and strengthening Travis Air Force Base, building something that benefits all of Solano County’s residents, protecting agriculture, and delivering new jobs and investments to Solano County. Here are some highlights.

Our focus right now is learning and listening from the community

“We take the listening tour and the learning from the community over the next four months very, very seriously. And so we don’t want to put forward any plans until we’ve had a chance to reflect everyone’s feedback in those plans.”

We want to make sure that Solano County gets its fair share of major employers, tax dollars, and investments

“What we hear in Solano County is, it’s a county that’s become a bedroom community. It’s a county that hasn’t received its fair share of major employers. It hasn’t received its fair share of tax dollars. … Many people feel that they’ve been left out. We hope that our projects can be a catalyst to bring more investment, bring more tax dollars to Solano County.”

We are inspired by the great American neighborhoods of yesterday

“We think that there’s so much wisdom in how we built cities and towns over the last hundreds of thousands of years in some places. And so from the beginning, we’ve believed that you go back to go forward. The plans that we put forward will be very inspired by those great old American neighborhoods that someone who was born 100 years ago will recognize. And so I think we are very different than many of the attempts to build new cities by people who’ve been wooed by the vision of some star architects to build the city of tomorrow. We want to build a city of yesterday.”

The listen to the entire review, please head over to KQED Forum. Jan joins the conversation about half-way through the interview.

Listen to the full interview

I support California Forever

I believe in Solano County and California that build again. Let’s build new industries, affordable homes, and clean energy for this generation and generations to come.