Year in review, new website, and moving to – read here
Opponents of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative have been spreading misinformation regarding the petition currently in circulation that would qualify the measure for this November’s election. This is an attempt by the opponents to prevent Solano County voters from deciding what future they want for themselves and their children.
Here are the facts:
- Those who are gathering signatures throughout Solano County are professional signature gatherers who have done so on many other successful statewide and local ballot initiatives.
- The signature gatherers are provided a fact sheet that presents very clearly what the proposed measure would do. Here is the fact sheet.
- The petition that Solano County residents are signing clearly displays the title and summary of the measure, as written by the Solano County Counsel’s Office, as well as the proposed language in its entirety. The title and summary are displayed on every signature page, just above where any voter signs. The page clearly identifies California Forever as the funder of the initiative. An example signature page can be seen on this link, and at the bottom of this press release below.
- Anyone who signs the petition is notvoting for or against the measure — they are giving Solano County voters a chance to decide on the measure should it qualify for the November 2024 General Election.
“A small but vocal group of opponents are attempting to create confusion and prevent Solano County voters from deciding what future they want for themselves and their children. They will not succeed. We encourage everyone considering whether or not to sign our petition to read the fine print, ask questions, and keep an open mind — and let the voters decide,” said Matthew Rodriguez, Campaign Manager for the ballot initiative.