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Water already secured for the first 100,000 residents and associated commercial and industrial users

Expert review complete

Our team of leading industry experts, including EKI Environment & WaterBest Best, & Krieger, and Holland & Knight, have completed an initial review of: (1) water needs for the new city, and (2) water rights and site conditions associated with our landholdings.

The review determined that the initial build out of the new city to 100,000 residents would require approximately 12,600 acre-feet per year (AFY) to provide water for all proposed residential, industrial, commercial, institutional, open space landscaping, and other uses. An acre-foot is a standard measure of water supply and demand – equivalent to a volume of water one foot deep on an area of one acre.

The review also determined that our portfolio of over 65,000 acres of land in southeastern Solano County currently uses approximately 16,400 AFY of groundwater and surface water, and that at least 13,700 AFY and up to the full 16,400 AFY of these existing water supplies are legally and physically available for use by the new city. For comparison, 16,400 AFY is equivalent to more than the reported annual potable water use by Vallejo and Rio Vista combined.

As a result, this review confirmed that by repurposing and conjunctively managing the existing groundwater and surface water uses on its properties, we have already secured more than enough water to supply the first 100,000 residents of the new city, including all associated commercial, industrial, and other land uses anticipated over the next 20 years.

However, state law, through Water Supply Assessment, requires that before we break ground on the first home or commercial building, we have secured or can demonstrate that we will be reasonably able to secure enough water not just for the first 20 years of build out, but for the full potential build out of the new city, including the maximum population of 400,000 people and all associated land uses. Our plan for meeting those demands is explained below.

This water plan is based on the principle that the new city water usage should not negatively impact others in Solano County. This includes maintaining agricultural lands currently in production by either supplying recycled water to substitute for water transferred to the new city or converting them to solar farms with sheep grazing underneath. To be clear, California Forever will not be using any water from Solano Irrigation District/Lake Berryessa for the new city.

Water needs for the new city

Residential uses

By utilizing modern water efficiency techniques, we estimate that the average resident in the new city will consume approximately 60 gallons of water per day (0.067 AFY per person), which is about 40% less than Solano County’s current average. This means that 100,000 residents in the new city would use a total of approximately 6,700 AFY. The table below shows the estimated residential water consumption in the new city compared to other cities within Solano County:

Commercial, industrial, and other uses

With respect to non-residential water use needed for commercial, industrial, institutional, open space landscaping, and other land uses, we have estimated needs of approximately 53 gallons per person per day (0.059 AFY per person). This estimate is based on a review of comparable cities/water suppliers with populations matching our maximum build out, such as Alameda County Water District, Anaheim, and Irvine Ranch Water District, based on statewide 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) data.

Applying this same estimate to the new city brings the total estimated water use for 100,000 residents, and all associated land uses, to 12,600 AFY, which is less than the 13,700 AFY available water supply that we have already secured. Water required for any population higher than 100,000 residents would scale up roughly proportionally.

Water sources for the full build out of the new city – a diversified approach

We are developing a diversified water portfolio to serve the full water supply required for the new city at the maximum build out of 400,000 residents. Our plan is to combine and conjunctively manage different sources of water. Conjunctive use means balancing the use of the various supplies during wet and dry periods to ensure a consistent and sustainable water supply.

1) Existing groundwater and surface water rights

Expert review has shown that our properties currently use approximately 16,400 AFY of existing groundwater and surface water. This is equivalent to more than the reported annual potable water use by Vallejo and Rio Vista combined. Currently, this water is predominantly used for irrigation of underperforming almond orchards planted on low quality soils (e.g.,certain orchards located north of Travis AFB use groundwater) and for irrigated agriculture (mostly irrigated pasture located east east of the new city, with smaller amounts for orchards).

The use of water sources located both below and above the ground is governed by the complex water rights laws of California. We hold certain rights to use water on our owned properties. Many of these rights have been exercised for many years for irrigation, domestic, and other purposes. Our expert team has determined that a significant portion of the supply from these water rights would be available for the new city.

Our water team estimates that at least 13,700 AFY and potentially up to the full 16,400 AFY of this water can physically and legally be used to serve the planned new city and associated land uses. For the existing groundwater and surface water that will be conjunctively used for the new city, we anticipate:

  1. converting the existing almond orchards to solar farms combined with sheep grazing and ecological restoration;
  2. converting the existing almond orchard in the new city to mixed use neighborhood development; and
  3. for irrigated pasture, substituting the current irrigation sources with recycled water that will be generated within the new city and treated to appropriate reuse standards.

2) Additional groundwater and replenishment

Additional groundwater is groundwater located in basins immediately beneath our properties. None of these basins have been identified as being in overdraft by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), meaning that the long-term water recharge to the basins exceeds water extractions.

A portion of this existing groundwater can be used to support the water demands associated with the new city, which will be defined based on a technical analysis of groundwater sufficiency in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and, where applicable, the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). Site stormwater and recycled water will be managed to optimize replenishment of the groundwater basins, increasing return flows to the groundwater basins overall. Stormwater will focus on opportunities for green infrastructure features that promote water quality and infiltration to manage downstream flows.

3) Acquired water and providing for the future

The Water Supply Assessment, conducted alongside the Environmental Impact Report, requires that before we break ground on the first home or commercial building, we have secured or can demonstrate that we will be reasonably able to secure enough water not just for the first 20 years of build out, but for the full potential build out of the new city, including the maximum population of 400,000 people and all associated land uses. We must prove this through the comprehensive, state-mandated, and highly-regulated processes of a Water Supply Assessment and Water Supply Verifications.

By the time the Environmental Impact Report is publicly released, which we anticipate would happen in 2025, the statutory process for a Water Supply Assessment requires that we prove we have purchased or will reasonably be able to obtain all necessary water for the full potential build out of the new city, including during drought periods. Similarly, at the Water Supply Verification stage, which happens every time we file for a subdivision map for a specific phase of development, we are required to prove that we have fully secured the water necessary for the homes and industries being built on the subdivided land, including during drought periods.

To secure the additional water required to meet these criteria, we will be acquiring water and water rights from outside of Solano County. The current owner of these water rights and supplies would transfer them to the project, making the water available for use at the new city. Many of these water assets come with associated storage, allowing us to better manage water supply through drought years.

California has a robust market for trading water. Approximately 1.5 million AFY of water supplies are traded annually in California to help secure water for agricultural, municipal, and other uses (see State Water Board, Division of Water Rights Water Transfers Program). Purchasing imported surface water assets is a common way for cities and developers to secure the water supply needed for new neighborhoods and new communities.

For example, the Tejon Ranch Company, which is building Centennial, a new community with almost 20,000 new homes, acquired a contract to purchase 6,693 AFY from Nickel Family LLC. In addition, Tejon Ranch Company also secured State Water Project entitlements under long-term water contracts within the Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District and the Dudley-Ridge Water District, totaling 3,444 AFY. Other examples include a Mojave Water Agency purchase of 14,000 AFY of State Water Project entitlement from another State Water Contractor and Santa Clarita Valley Water purchase of State Water Contractor supply to serve the Newhall Ranch project. Transfers can be either permanent or temporary.

New habitat conservation projects or conservation from rotating agricultural land uses often frees up water elsewhere in the state that those landowners make available for purchase. The imported water can be conveyed through existing water bodies and the existing points of diversion on our properties. We are currently in discussions regarding opportunities to partner in the implementation of such habitat conservation projects and utilize the water that becomes available.

4) Recycled water

Recycled water will be produced from treated wastewater generated from indoor water uses across the new city. Recycled water will be treated to appropriate standards for broad re-use within the new city – effectively creating a new, highly reliable water supply. As the city grows, more recycled water supply will become available for multiple applications, including: (1) surface water substitution where recycled water can be used to irrigate agricultural fields currently irrigated with surface water, (2) groundwater substitution where recycled water can be used to irrigate agricultural fields currently irrigated with groundwater, and (3) on site use where recycled water can be used to irrigate streetscapes, city parks, other landscaping, and potentially supply industrial and other indoor non-potable uses.

We are still completing design work that will determine the exact amounts, but we anticipate that the new city will generate approximately 25,000 to 35,000 AFY of recycled water from the treatment of indoor use of both existing water assets and imported surface water to be purchased for use in the new city. Recycled water will not be used for drinking, laundry, showering, or any other potable uses.

Balancing supply and demand

Based on the demand and supply figures provided above, by working with existing groundwater and surface water supplies as well as the recycled water generated from the initial uses, we can support a population of over 100,000 residents while sustaining existing agricultural lands:

With additional groundwater, imported surface water, and the incremental recycled water generated by the growth in uses, we can support the full population projected at 400,000 residents:

In summary

In all of our work, the key principle we follow is that our use of water sources should not negatively impact other users and cities in Solano County.

For example, we will implement an extensive monitoring and adaptive management program to ensure more sustainable groundwater use. None of the sources listed above would have negative impacts on other Solano County water users. They consist of either water we already have rights to and/or use on the 65,000+ acres we own, additional groundwater (subject to a groundwater sufficiency analysis), water we will purchase from outside of Solano County, and innovative and sustainable uses of recycled water to create a “new” and highly-reliable source of water.

We continue to develop our design and will be sharing additional information on our water plans in 2025 as we work on the Environmental Impact Report and the Water Supply Assessment, but to repeat, we must and will prove that we have secured or reasonably can secure enough water for the full maximum theoretical build out, including all associated land uses, before the certification of the Environmental Impact Report takes place, and therefore before the first house or commercial structure is permitted to be built.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the new city use any Solano Irrigation District supplies or Lake Berryessa water?
No. We will not use Solano Irrigation District/Lake Berryessa water for the new city. In addition to the 16,400 AFY of existing groundwater and surface water uses discussed above, our properties also currently use about 6,600 AFY of water from Solano Irrigation District/Lake Berryessa. However, that water will continue to be used for agricultural uses, and will not be used for the new city.

How will raw water supplies be made safe for drinking?
All water supplies will be treated onsite in new state-of-the-art water treatment plants that will be permitted through the State Water Board process that ensures all public drinking water systems meet the California Safe Drinking Water Act standards.

Where will wastewater be treated?
Wastewater will be treated in new water resource recovery facilities, which will be designed and permitted to enhance the circular economy of the new city by generating recycled water.

Support from local community

As the CEO and Founder of The Coach Sarna League, which includes an NFL Flag Football League and a LEGO STEM League, I am a strong supporter of the California Forever initiative for Solano County. Our league mission is to never turn a child away due to finances, and so because of this we have firsthand knowledge of the economic desperation of so many Solano County families. The plan to create thousands of good paying jobs will forever change the lives of so many Solano residents.

Ryan Sarna Vallejo, CA CEO and Founder of The Coach Sarna League

I love this initiative and feel it is a great opportunity for Solano County! Being born on Travis AFB and my whole family growing up in Solano County, this initiative is the type of progress I would love to see for the community! With all the incentives promised to people, schools, and businesses in Solano County, this initiative seems like a win win win situation for all. I would be honored to be a part of this impactful new city initiative!

Marques Mason Fairfield, CA Renewable Energy Financier for Nonprofits

I am excited to see what is to come! I’m ready for a change.

Yolanda Kelly Vallejo, CA

I am excited to see what is to come! I’m ready for a change.

Yolanda Kelly Vallejo, CA Social Worker

I am truly enthusiastic about the project! It’s exciting to see initiatives that not only promise economic benefits but also prioritize innovation and community transformation. By embracing forward-thinking and creative approaches to urban development, projects like this have the potential to shape the future of our cities in profound ways. I think Solano County deserves a boost that will bring in new fresh opportunities for people and the community.

Kari Rader Fairfield, CA Nonprofit Director

As a young employee, I understand the benefits of this project. I personally think it’s a great idea.

Jesus Soto Fairfield, CA

I’m excited to see the future that California Forever can create for the benefit of all Solano County citizens and improve the stewardship of our lands.

Rob Nickelson Northern Solano County Farmer

I strongly support this project. If we work together, we can make this a better community for all!

Kathryn Thompson Suisun City, CA

I am so looking forward to the growth, opportunities, and enrichment that California Forever will bring for our future generations.

Pam Athwal Fairfield, CA

This is a bold endeavor, one to shape the landscape of Solano and California. I hope that this project paves the way for the New American City.

Edwin Legaspi Vacaville, CA

Having grown up in Rio Vista, I have always loved the area and community. I left for better education and employment opportunities, but would love to one day move back. I have long felt that Solano County needs significant investment and I think California Forever can provide that. I would love to one day open my own studio practice where I can support local artists and teach art to the community, and the new town through California Forever seems like a great opportunity for this.

Nick Stiles Rio Vista, CA Muralist

I agree with the proposed growth to Solano County wholeheartedly.

Michael Shipp Benicia, CA

I agree with the proposed growth to Solano County wholeheartedly.

Michael Shipp Benicia, CA Retired

I am looking forward to employment and economic growth for Solano County, for the betterment of our community.

Richard Herrod Suisun City, CA School District Employee

We are God’s gardeners, let’s make God’s green Earth beautiful with the California Forever Plan!

Larry Jackson Vacaville, CA Jackson’s INC International Service Association, Family Services

California Forever encompasses the progress our county deserves.

Jeff Anselmo Fairfield, CA

This initiative is a testament to the revolutionary spirit, the ability to dream big, and the will to make a difference. It’s a story that will continue to inspire generations, reminding them to always strive for better and create a world they are proud to be a part of.

Kurtis Meek Vacaville, CA

I am a small business owner with several locations throughout Solano county. For the last few years, my wife, children, and I have had to say goodbye to many of our friends that moved. Many of them couldn’t not afford to live here or find good jobs. California Forever has brought some hope that the issues we face in California can be solved. I do believe this is what we need!

Morné van Staden Vacaville, CA Business Owner

As a young(ish) professional returning to my hometown after living in Chicago for the last 5 years, I was disheartened to find a lack of opportunities and amenities in Solano County, including significant barriers to home ownership. I truly believe that California Forever can offer those opportunities and more. I am excited to see what this future holds for all of us.

Courtney Prado, Esq. Vacaville, CA Attorney

I’m very excited for opportunities to be part of a wonderful project for our community.

Luis Vidal Vacaville, CA Hotel Manager

You don’t NOT begin something just because parts of it seem problematic. You begin something because it’s important. This project is important because future generations will benefit how much they will benefit depends on your participation and input.

Shannon Sloves Benicia, CA Energy Worker

I support California Forever

I believe in Solano County and California that build again. Let’s build new industries, affordable homes, and clean energy for this generation and generations to come.