California Forever’s statement on bringing shipbuilding back to Solano County – read here

From the day we announced our vision for the new community, we have prioritized our commitment to protecting and supporting Travis AFB, and becoming a great partner to the base for decades to come.
Two weeks ago, we learned that even though our East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy initiative has fully complied with the Air Installation Compatible Use Study (AICUZ), published by Travis Air Force Base, and the Land Use Compatibility Plan (LUCP), published by Solano County, Travis AFB had remaining legitimate concerns regarding the potential impact of land uses in the northwestern portion of the new community on some flight operations and the mission of the base.
After learning of the base’s concerns, we refocused our entire team’s efforts on devising an alternative plan that fully addresses the new concerns raised by Travis AFB and removes any remaining impacts on the base’s mission.
Thanks to the hard work and ingenuity of our world-class team and collaborators, we have been able to modify our plan to respond to the new information from Travis AFB. Later today, we will file an amended version of the East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy initiative with the Solano County Registrar of Voters.
The new version is available for download here, and a redline showing the changes since the prior January 29th version is available here. This updated version includes the new zoning shown below. For context, this diagram also shows in yellow, green, and blue lines the flight patterns and airspace details released by Travis AFB two weeks ago.
The key changes from the last initiative we submitted on January 29th are as follows:
- We changed the zoning of 4,200 acres of the new community which are inside the Travis Radar Pattern (blue line), and which include both the Creed and Museum tactical waypoints, to a new “Travis Compatible Infrastructure” zoning classification. This zone only permits (a) infrastructure such as solar farms, energy storage, water treatment, and other similar facilities utilizing location, technology, and design acceptable to Travis AFB, and (b) agricultural and habitat uses.
- We removed 2,200 acres of residential land use from the west side of our new community, in order to locate residential areas even further away from the base.
- We relocated all of our industrial uses to the area southeast of the radar pattern (shown by blue line) to create an additional buffer even outside of the Travis Radar Pattern.
- Finally, we moved the location of our downtown by one mile to the south, to further distance the downtown from the radar pattern area.
With the submission of this new initiative measure, we have withdrawn the initiative measure we submitted on January 29.
We’re committed to being a strong and productive partner to the base and its families for decades to come, and to supporting the critical role it plays for both our national security and for Solano County. Our swift action to modify our plans and the initiative is proof of that unwavering commitment.